Excitement fills the air as thirteen talented girls from Chapelhouse Studios in Godley, Texas, gear up for an unforgettable weekend in Sacramento, California.

These aspiring young performers, aged 9 to 17, are about to embark on a remarkable adventure as they compete in the Junior Theater Festival (JTF) for the very first time!

From February 9th to 11th, the girls of Chapelhouse Co. will showcase their passion for musical theater and creativity on a global stage, representing Chapelhouse Studios and Godley, Texas with pride and enthusiasm. The Junior Theater Festival stands as a celebration of youthful excitement and theatrical excellence. It gathers junior musical theater troupes from across the globe for a whirlwind weekend filled with performances, workshops, and invaluable learning opportunities. Sponsored by Playbill, Disney Musicals, and Music Theatre International, JTF promises a vibrant array of talent and fellowship, fostering a love for the arts that goes beyond Godley, Sacramento, and even America.

For Chapelhouse Company, this journey is guided by a deeper purpose—one rooted in faith and a shared commitment to glorifying God through their talents and gifts. Since August, these dedicated girls have immersed themselves in the timeless story of Junie B. Jones Jr., pouring their hearts into perfecting every note, every step, and every gesture. Their journey is not just about honing their craft; it's about using their talents to inspire, uplift, and touch the hearts of those around them. Through their performances, they seek to spread messages of youthful hope, imagination, friendship, and resilience in the midst of adversity.

As they bid farewell to Godley, Texas, Chapelhouse Company carries with them the prayers and blessings of their community. Their send-off event on February 8th is not just a celebration of their achievements but a testament to the unwavering support they've received from family, friends, and mentors. It's a moment of gratitude—a chance to acknowledge the countless blessings and opportunities that have paved the way for their journey to JTF.

In Sacramento, amidst the bustling energy of the Junior Theater Festival, Chapelhouse Company will find themselves surrounded by an incredible range of talent and creativity. They'll participate in workshops, engage with industry professionals, and immerse themselves in the magic of musical theater. Through it all, they'll carry with them the light of their faith, shining brightly amidst the hustle and bustle of the festival.

As they take the stage at JTF, Chapelhouse Company will not only share their love for musical theater but also embody the spirit of the courage and creativity that defines their journey. They'll leave an unforgettable mark on the hearts of audiences and adjudicators, showcasing the transformative power of faith, bravery, commitment, teamwork and the boundless possibilities of creativity. As the curtain rises on the Junior Theater Festival, Chapelhouse Company stands poised to make history, leaving a legacy that will resonate far beyond the bright lights of the stage.

To the girls of Chapelhouse Company, as you embark on this extraordinary journey, remember that your talents are gifts from God, meant to share and plant seeds within the world. Let your performances be a reflection of your faith, your love, and your commitment to excellence. Cherish every moment, savor every applause, and trust in God's plan for your journey.

Break a leg, girls. The world is your stage, and this journey is just beginning! 💜